GSMOD: Version history

v1.5.0 - 21-Feb-2021

New features:
Improved calibration-constrained Monte Carlo algorithm that increases the number of realizations with high fit to historic observations; this algorithm was specifically developed for GSMOD
- Capacity to omit user-defined realizations from post-processing
- Capacity to import calibration statistics calculated by the user externally

- Capacity to change numerical balance error limits after the simulations have already started; this option only works in GSMOD versions 1.5.0 onwards
- Faster reading and writing of MODFLOW/MT3D packages
- Faster reading of zone files
- GSMOD continues using previous Latin Hypercube matrix when adding new realizations if the user halted the stochastic realizations at some point
- Capacity to recalculate NRMS values
- Capacity to recalculate balance errors
- Improvements to the error messages when importing tables with incorrect format
- The GSMOD installer comes with the latest version of USG-Transport (v1.5)
- GSMOD allows to perform stochastic transport runs only with stochastic flow parameters
- The parameter analysis tools can be executed even if the user has deleted the model binary outputs
- GSMOD tries to copy model output files even if it failed to run
- Web link to latest GSMOD version in the main window
- Better handling of invalid target locations

- Fix minor issues associated to the NRMS and balance error plots of the main window when user sets a Y max limit higher than 100%
- Minor improvements to the main window
- Fix post-processing issues when using a combined flow-transport NRMS criteria
- Fix issue when plotting histograms and all realizations have NRMS > limit
- Fix minor issue associated to the status bar messages when creating the flow and transport initial conditions
- Reset stochastic parameters if user activates/deactivates the stochastic capabilities for the flow/transport models after saving the project without results
- Fix minor issues when post-processing the mass balance in MT3DMS and MT3D-USGS models when zero mass inflow exists
- Fix minor issue with the Y scale of the NRMS - Parameters analysis plot
- Fix minor issue with license register text box
- Fix minor issues when using copy/paste of files/folders directions instead of the search button in all available menus
- Fix small error when using log-uniform distribution

v1.4.1 - 15-Jul-2020

New features:
- Capacity to generate stochastic parameters based on PERT distributions (three point distribution [min, mode, max] that is smoother than the triangular distribution)
- Capacity to define global weights for the NRMS calculated for each type of observation data (heads, drawdowns and concentrations)
- Capacity to post-process the stochastic results based on a combined flow-transport criteria for flow-transport models (i.e. combined flow-transport NRMS value, using user-defined weights)
- Capacity to define the stochastic parameters using "zone files" in addition to the existing "internal code" approach
- Capacity to define stochastic parameters probability distributions that represent a multiplier of the model parameter values, in addition to the existing approach of probability distributions that represent the value of the parameter

- General improvements to the NRMS analysis charts
- Change color bar title in contour maps when using logarithmic scale
- Faster processing and re-processing of calibration statistics (NRMS, RMS)
- Better handling of invalid target locations
- Model summary export now includes RMS for heads, drawdowns and concentrations if applies
- Better handling of unhandled software exceptions
- User has the option to define a free space hard drive limit below which GSMOD will stop the model runs to avoid issues
- GSMOD is now compatible with rotated grids
- Capacity to adjust the maximum Y values in the main window plots (NRMS and balance error plots)
- Rasters are now exported as GeoTIFF files, which allows compatibility with rotated grids and makes the export process faster
- Improved verification of the upper/lower limits of the stochastic parameters probability distributions
- Faster reading and writing of MODFLOW / MT3D packages

- Fix error when opening a GSMOD project built with a previous GSMOD version
- Avoid reverse of colorbar in contour maps if probability map
- Fix general issues related to the parameter sensitivity analysis window
- Fix reprocessing of main window summary table due to a change in the target values, when using external models (distributed computing)
- Small fix to the georeferencing coordinates of the exported map rasters when using unstructured grids
- Fix minor problems related to enabling/disabling menus and menus shortcuts under different circumstances
- Fix minor error when user enters a wrong probability distribution function name in the stochastic parameters menu

v1.4.0 - 1-Jun-2020

New features:
- Capacity to generate hydrographs and histograms of pore water pressures
- Capacity to export a stochastic model summary (parameter values, NRMS and balance errors)
- Capacity to perform stochastic realizations in different computers and merge the results (distributed computing)
- User can specify the targets and observation points in terms of elevations in addition to layers, which is useful for VWP and Casagrande piezometers
- GSMOD can plot the best calibrated model in the predictive simulation hydrographs
- Progress bar for all post-processing options that can take an important amount of time
- User can copy the locations of the targets to use as observation wells
- NRMS limits can be changed directly in predictive simulation models
- Plot limits can be set individually for each observation well, or to all observation wells at once
- Option to hide the model command lines while running the stochastic simulations
- New option to export figures for all wells in hydrographs and histograms plots, all times in map plots, and all parameters in NRMS analysis plots
- More options for personalizing the format of the stochastic plots
- Add delete button to remove shapefiles and background images in stochastic plots
- GSMOD gives a warning and stops the current stochastic simulations if the free hard drive space is limited
- Help documentation

- Faster reading of binary files, which makes all post-processing options faster
- Faster calculation of NRMS values
- Faster startup
- Improvements to existing tables: copy/paste to and from Excel, editing directly after typing, add/remove rows and Excel type navigation
- Faster Excel spreadsheets export
- Better format of exported Excel spreadsheets
- Targets and stochastic parameters input tables can be exported even after starting the stochastic simulations 
- GSMOD now exports hydrograph and histogram results to csv instead of Excel to manage bigger datasets
- Smaller size of GSMOD project and faster loading/saving of GSMOD project file
- Faster recheck of NRMS < limit when changing the defined limits
- Capacity to import BMP background images to maps in addition to JPG and PNG
- GSMOD prints MODFLOW/MT3D packages with higher precision if format set to FREE
- Set flow initial conditions of predictive models by reading the previous model binary files directly, which is faster and yields better precision
- Capacity to work with MODFLOW packages that reference external binary files
- Better format of hydrograph plots
- Warning when user defines hydraulic conductivities, K anisotropies, storage parameters, porosities and dispersivities using a PDF without a lower limit higher than zero
- Status updates from all windows are directed to the status update bar of the main window
- The main window starts maximized for all screen resolutions
- If no targets are included by the user all post-processing options related to targets and calibration are disabled
- Better layout of Calibration targets and Stochastic parameters windows
- Warning messages when invalid targets and/or observation point locations are introduced by the user
- Concentration related post-processing tools are automatically deactivated if no transport stochastic model has been defined
- GSMOD activates the flow model post-processing tools for flow-transport models even if the stochastic flow model options are deactivated  
- Capacity to hide the best calibrated model from the stochastic hydrographs
- Add error messages when the model working folder was modified by another GSMOD project
- Add backup saving while executing the stochastic simulations
- Better resolution configuration for all plots
- Better error handling when all calibration data is outside the model domain
- All post-processing windows can now be resized
- The user can modify the calibration targets from a predictive simulation model based on a previous calibration model directly from the predictive simulation GSMOD project
- Window items are disabled when processing results that take long to generate
- Add warning and disabling closing GSMOD while stochastic models are running

- Fix general issues with USG grids when ivsd != -1
- Video export is now disabled for models with only one SP and one TS (does not make sense to make a video with only one frame)
- Fix issue with USG-Transport BCT package and the anglex array
- Issue with endless reading of OC file with MODFLOW-USG under certain circumstances
- Fix general issues with MODFLOW NAME files that use LSTLVL or OPTIONS 
- Fix issue when retranslating a new model into an existing GSMOD project folder without deleting the "_orig" package files previously generated by GSMOD
- Fix general issues when the first realization fails to converge
- Fix issue with NRMS histogram not resetting the plots after opening a new GSMOD project
- Fix issue with the number of required realizations displayed in the main window when running predictive model based on previous GSMOD project 
- Stochastic parameters, targets, hydrographs, histograms and NRMS parameter influence tables were not being updated just before exporting
- Numeric values were being exported as texts when exporting tables
- Fix issue with the maximum number of bins in histogram plots
- Fix issue with map legend when a shapefile slot is replaced by a background image
- Fix issue with the calculation of the NRMS statistics when new targets are imported to an ongoing project
- Fix issue when defining stochastic parameters for a model that started as flow-transport stochastic and was later modified to transport-only stochastic
- Fix issue while calculating transport mass balance with USG-Transport models
- Fix issue when populating the recharge package in flow-transport stochastic models and USG-Transport
- Fix issue when plotting hydrographs if no realization complies with the defined NRMS criteria
- Fix issue with parallel folders indexing when user paused the stochastic runs and changed the number of parallel runs to perform

v1.3.1 - 16-Mar-2020

- Faster writing of raster files (maps), which are also smaller in size
- Faster reading/writing of MODFLOW/MT3D packages

- Fix general issues with USG grids when ivsd != -1
- Fix issue related to rounding of the modelling times
- Fix issues associated to the simulation times when calculating NRMS values
- Histograms refresh button plots updated percentiles of the Monte Carlo simulations
- Fix general issues when hydraulic conductivities have values of zero in no flow cells
- Fix general issues with models that have only one SP and one time step
- GSMOD now extracts and saves the modelling times for each realization
- Fix issue with maximum number of parameters to analyze for their influence on NRMS
- New MODFLOW/MT3D model runs do not change the focus of the main window anymore
- Resizing of the main window is smoother when running models due to a new way in which GSMOD checks if all models are running
- All plots are reset after modifying NRMS limit

v1.3.0 - 22-Feb-2020

New features:
- Compatibility with MODFLOW-USG and USG-Transport
- Contour maps based on percentiles

- Faster startup
- Faster post-processing of the stochastic results
- Faster import of external data to tables

- Fix post-processing when all results > NRMS limit
- Fix general issues with models that have more than one layer
- Fix issues with unsupported solvers
- Fix issues when using "options" in MF Name file
- Fix problems when using NWT and heuristic solver
- Fix issues while copying MT FTL file if MF model failed
- Fix issues while processing mass balance of a model with NaN results

v1.2 - 5-Feb-2019

New features:
- Parallel realizations and post-processing

- Faster startup
- Faster post-processing of stochastic results

- Fix general problems when adding data to tables

V1.1 - 14-Jan-2019

- Faster startup
- Smaller installer (58 Mb versus 210 Mb)

- Fix general post-processing issues after adding new realizations

V1.0 - 3-Jan-2019
- First release